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平和フェス Earth Caravanと共に長崎、京都、東京、エルサレムを巡り、ベツレヘムフェスJAPANdayではメインステージを飾る。七色の声を持つ歌うナウシカ。地元浦和を愛する地球人。癒しと励ましの音心/身浴屋。

HAOW is the SingerSongWriter with playing the guitar or piano,that embodies the One-World Music.
One-World Music is for No-Border,No-Ethnic conflict,Peaceful World,Earthly Paradise.Her original songs has strong messages,it makes some chemistry to audience.
 HAOW’s Tagline is “ Singing Nausicaa with seven colors voices.” “Sound Wave Maker of Healing&Encouragement” “Born to world traveller” “naturalist” “Earthling”

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